Workload Creep is supported by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
The Workload Creep team works out of the University of Manitoba Campuses. The research team is also supported with the Graduate Enhancement of Tri-Agency Stipends by the University of Manitoba.
Follow up with your survey results below:
Below you will find up-to-date survey results shown in graphic form. For each round of surveys an update will be added providing some preliminary descriptive results from the data.
Overall Results:
Workload Estimation Survey Results January 2023
Descriptive Workload Results by Job Title by Gender from January 2023:
Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=3 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title. These 3 respondents reported working 78.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Graduate student administrative work” (7.3 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.8 hours)
Full Professors (Female): There were n=79 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 69 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 69 respondents reported working 64.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.3 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (3.9 hours).
Associate Professors (Female): There were n=75 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 66 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 66 respondents reported working 60.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.8 hours) and “Student Email” (4.5 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=22 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 20 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 20 respondents reported working 62.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Classroom teaching time” (7.3 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.6 hours)
Lecturers (Female): There were n=6 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 6 respondents reported working 32 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Classroom teaching time” (5.8 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (4.5 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=4 respondents who selected instructor as their job title. These 4 respondents reported working 40.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.5 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (4.25 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=10 respondents who selected Contract/sessional as their job title. These 10 respondents reported working 47.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Classroom teaching time” (14.5 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.6 hours). Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=8 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title. These 8 respondents reported working 62 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (11.3 hours) and “Office Hours” (7.6 hours).
Full Professors (male): There were n=65 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 56 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 56 respondents reported working 56.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.7 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (3.8 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=52 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 45 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 45 respondents reported working 53.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.2 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (4.7 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=17 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 15 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 15 respondents reported working 47.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.3 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (5.1 hours).
Lecturers (male): There were n=10 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 10 respondents reported working 48.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (12.5 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (9.2 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=3 respondents who selected instructor as their job title. These 3 respondents reported working 58.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (8.3 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (6.3 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=5 respondents who selected instructor as their job title. These 5 respondents reported working 25.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.2 hours) and “Office hours” (4.2 hours).
Workload Estimation Survey Results September 2022
Descriptive Workload Results by Job Title by Gender from September 2022:
Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=5 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 4 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 4 respondents reported working 70.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.2 hours) and “Reference requests – Phone, mail, email)” (7.1 hours).
Full Professors (Female): There were n=88 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 81 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 81 respondents reported working 61.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.3 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (4.5 hours).
Associate Professors (Female): There were n=82 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 74 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 74 respondents reported working 60.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.25 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (4.5 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=33 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 29 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 29 respondents reported working 58.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (9.6 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (5 hours)
Lecturers (Female): There were n=10 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 9 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 9 respondents reported working 51.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.4 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (6 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=4 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 3 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 3 respondents reported working 58.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Student email” (9 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.5 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=13 respondents who selected Contract/sessional as their job title, of which 12 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 12 respondents reported working 38 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.1 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (5.3 hours).
Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=5 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 4 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 4 respondents reported working 83.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing grant or other applications/proposals” (7.5 hours) and “Activities related to hiring students/postdocs” (6.1 hours).
Full Professors (male): There were n=71 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 59 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 59 respondents reported working 59 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.9 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (3.6 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=51 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 47 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 47 respondents reported working 55 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (7.2 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (4 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=16 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 14 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 14 respondents reported working 59.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Student email” (5.3 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.3 hours).
Lecturers (male): There were n=6 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 6 respondents reported working 49.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (15 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (7.5 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=3 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 2 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 2 respondents reported working 81.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (10.7 hours) and “Student email” (10 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=5 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 4 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 4 respondents reported working 19.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (4.4 hours).
Workload Estimation Survey Results March 2022
Descriptive Workload Results by Job Title by Gender from March 2022:
Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=9 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 8 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 8 respondents reported working 74.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (6.1 hours) and “Student email” (5.7 hours)
Full Professors (Female): There were n=83 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 75 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 75 respondents reported working 65.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.1 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5 hours).
Associate Professors (Female): There were n=103 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 89 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 89 respondents reported working 57 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (4.2 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=48 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 42 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 42 respondents reported working 66.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.9 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.5 hours)
Lecturers (Female): There were n=13 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 13 respondents reported working 52.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8.1 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (8 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=12 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 11 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 11 respondents reported working 59 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.3 hours) and “Classroom teaching time” (5.6 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=18 respondents who selected Contract/sessional as their job title. These 18 respondents reported working 45.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.8 hours).
Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=2 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title. These 2 respondents reported working 96.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (9 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (7.5 hours).
Full Professors (male): There were n=73 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 68 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 76 respondents reported working 57 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.9 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (3.7 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=61 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 55 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 55 respondents reported working 59 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/reading student work” (5.6 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.9 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=26 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 20 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 20 respondents reported working 66.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/reading student work” (8.9 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (7.9 hours).
Lecturers (male): There were n=12 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 11 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 11 respondents reported working 47.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Classroom teaching time” (8 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (7.5 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=2 respondents who selected instructor as their job title. These 2 respondents reported working 47.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (14.8 hours) and “Online teaching time” (9.5 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=7 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 4 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 4 respondents reported working 51.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (8.3 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.9 hours).
Descriptive Results by Job Title from July-August 2021:
Full Professors: There were n=219 respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 177 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 177 respondents reported working 48.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “graduate student supervision, committee work” (4.06 hours) and “managing administrative email” (3.55 hours).
Associate Professors: There were n=205 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 178 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 178 respondents reported working 47.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “knowledge dissemination” (4.47 hours) and “graduate student supervision, committee work” (4.18 hours).
Assistant Professors: There were n=88 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 77 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 77 respondents reported working 44.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “knowledge dissemination” (4.2 hours) and “preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (3.51 hours).
Lecturers: There were n=28 respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 24 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 24 respondents reported working 55.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (8 hours), and “preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.51 hours).
Instructors: There were n=18 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 15 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 15 respondents reported working 51.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “marking/reading student work” (5.8 hours) and “preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.17 hours).
Contract/Sessionals: There were n=38 respondents who selected contract/sessional instructor as their job title, of which 33 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 33 respondents reported working 35.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.6 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (4.24 hours).
Workload Estimation Results March 2021
Descriptive Results by Job Title from March 2021:
Full Professors: There were n=275 respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 236 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 236 respondents reported working 66.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (4.12 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (4.65 hours).
Associate Professors: There were n=314 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 276 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 276 respondents reported working 59.85 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (4.87 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (4.92 hours).
Assistant Professors: There were n=166 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 140 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 140 respondents reported working 66 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (6.29 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (5.17 hours).
Lecturers: There were n=52 respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 47 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 47 respondents reported working 57.23 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (9.17 hours), and “marking/reading student work” (7.46 hours).
Instructors: There were n=18 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 17 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 17 respondents reported working 74.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (8.06 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (9.5 hours).
Contract/Sessionals: There were n=57 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 50 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 50 respondents reported working 49.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “marking/reading student work” (9.22 hours) and “preparing online teaching materials” (6.02 hours).
Workload Estimation Results November 2020
Descriptive Results by Job Title from November 2020:
Full Professors: There were n=390 respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 318 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 318 respondents reported working 66.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (6.21 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (4.98 hours).
Associate Professors: There were n=414 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 346 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 346 respondents reported working 67.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (7.36 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (5.39 hours).
Assistant Professors: There were n=209 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 181 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 181 respondents reported working 63 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (7.02 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (5.32 hours).
Lecturers: There were n=50 respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 48 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 48 respondents reported working 61.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “online teaching time” (7.92 hours) and “preparing online teaching materials” (7.92 hours), while “marking/reading student work” was also high (7.54 hours).
Instructors: There were n=31 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 27 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 27 respondents reported working 66.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “preparing online teaching materials” (9.97 hours) and “marking/reading student work” (7.39 hours).
Contract/Sessionals: There were n=89 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 76 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 76 respondents reported working 55.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “marking/reading student work” (8.1 hours) and “preparing online teaching materials” (7.72 hours).
Results by Gender and Rank:
Note: These results provide a snapshot of the estimated hours spent in a work week by gender and rank. In this case, gender refers to binary categories of masculine, feminine, or other.
November 2021
NOVEMBER 2021 Data collection Out of 550 respondents, 327 selected “female”, 209 selected “male”, and 10 selected “other” (4 missing values).
Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=9 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 7 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 7 respondents reported working 68.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Managing administrative email” (5.4 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (5.2 hours).
Full Professors (Female): There were n=101 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 91 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 91 respondents reported working 65.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.4 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (5 hours).
Associate Professors (Female): There were n=122 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 106 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 106 respondents reported working 58.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.5 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (4.9 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=47 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 37 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 37 respondents reported working 57 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.7 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (5.6 hours).
Lecturers (Female): There were n=14 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 11 respondents reported working 47.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (7.5 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (7.1 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=15 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 14 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 14 respondents reported working 75.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (8.3 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=15 respondents who selected Contract/sessional as their job title, of which 14 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 14 respondents reported working 60 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (10.9 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (9.1 hours)
Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=4 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 2 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 2 respondents reported working 57 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Office hours” (8.5 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.3 hours). Full Professors (male): There were n=85 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 76 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 76 respondents reported working 59.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.5 hours) and “Knowledge Dissemination” (4.3 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=64 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 52 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 52 respondents reported working 53.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.7 hours) and “Student email” (4 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=21 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 19 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 19 respondents reported working 63.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.5 hours) and “Student email” (5.3 hours).
Lecturers (male): There were n=14 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 14 respondents reported working 57.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (9.1 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8.5 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=4 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 3 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 3 respondents reported working 60 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Political activism, including union or non-union labour orgs” (10 hours) and “Data cleaning and/or analysis” (8.5 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=14 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 11 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 11 respondents reported working 34.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.9 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (5.9 hours).
July 2021
Note: The following were omitted from having graphs produced due to low sample sizes: Male Instructors (n=3) and Other Assistant Profs (n=2).
Descriptive Results for July 2021 by Gender and Rank
Out of 639 respondents, 344 selected “female”, 263 selected “male”, and 11 selected “other” (21 missing values). Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=9 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 5 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. They reported working 65.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (8.6 hours) and “Service to departmental committees including meetings” (4.7 hours). Full Professors (Female): There were n=109 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 86 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 86 respondents reported working 55.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (4.4 hours) and “Managing administrative email” (4.2 hours). Associate Professors (Female): There were n=122 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 106 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 106 respondents reported working 48.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (4.3 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (4 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=48 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 39 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 39 respondents reported working 47.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.6 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (3.9 hours).
Lecturers (Female): There were n=15 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title and they reported working 47.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing online teaching materials” (9.8 hours) and “Preparing class notes and materials for classroom” (6.7 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=15 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 12 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 12 respondents reported working 54.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Student email” (6.3 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.8 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=20 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 17 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 17 respondents reported working 33.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (7.1 hours) and “Student email” (4 hours). Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=5 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 3 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 3 respondents reported working 20.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (4.4 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (3.8 hours). Full Professors (male): There were n=107 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 88 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 88 respondents reported working 41.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (5.2 hours) and “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (3.6 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=77 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 68 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 68 respondents reported working 46.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Data collection and/or analysis” (4.6 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (4.5 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=38 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 36 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 36 respondents reported working 39.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Data collection and/or analysis” (3.6 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (3.4 hours).
Lecturers (male): There were n=13 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title of which 9 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 9 respondents reported working 68 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (8.5 hours) and “Student email” (6.8 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=3 respondents who selected instructor as their job title and reported working 42 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (10.7 hours) and “Student email” (9.3 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=18 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 16 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 16 respondents reported working 36.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.1 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6 hours) “Other” Distinguished Professors (other): none. Full Professors (other): There were n=3 respondents who selected full professor as their job title. These 3 respondents reported working 41.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (7.7 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (6 hours).
Associate Professors (other): There were n=6 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 4 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 4 respondents reported working 59.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Knowledge dissemination” (8.3 hours) and “Data collection and/or analysis” (6.2 hours).
Assistant Professors (other): There were n=2 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title and reported working 80 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing grant or other applications/proposals” (15.8 hours) and “Student email” (6 hours)
Lecturers (other): none.
Instructors (other): none.
Contract/Sessionals (other): none.
March 2021
Note: The following were omitted from having graphs produced due to low sample sizes: Male Instructors (n=3), Other Assistant Profs (n=2), Instructors (n=1), and Sessionals (n=2).
Descriptive Results for March 2021 by Gender and Rank
Out of 916 respondents, 532 selected “female”, 367 selected “male”, and 17 selected “other” (0 missing values). Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=5 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title and they reported working 71.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Service to departmental committees including meetings” (7.3 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (5.4 hours). Full Professors (Female): There were n=144 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 123 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 123 respondents reported working 69.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.74 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.43 hours). Associate Professors (Female): There were n=185 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 167 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 167 respondents reported working 61 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.3 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (5.2 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=96 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 80 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 80 respondents reported working 69 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.2 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.1 hours).
Lecturers (Female): There were n=33 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, of which 30 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 30 respondents reported working 56.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (9 hours) and “Online teaching time” (6.6 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=14 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 13 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 13 respondents reported working 75.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (10.6 hours) and “Preparing online teaching materials” (6.4 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=57 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 50 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 50 respondents reported working 49.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (9.2 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6 hours) Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=13 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 11 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 11 respondents reported working 68.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Data collection and/or analysis” (16.3 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (5.1 hours). Full Professors (male): There were n=127 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 109 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 109 respondents reported working 63.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (4.8 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (4.1 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=121 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 102 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 102 respondents reported working 56.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (4.3 hours) and “Online teaching time” (4.2 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=68 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 58 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 58 respondents reported working 62.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.7 hours) and “Online teaching time” (4.9 hours)
Lecturers (male): There were n=19 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title of which 17 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 17 respondents reported working 58.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (9.2 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (8.6 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=3 respondents who selected instructor as their job title and reported working 64.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (17.3 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (7 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=13 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 11 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 11 respondents reported working 41.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Online teaching time” (6.2 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (4.5 hours) “Other” Distinguished Professors (other): none. Full Professors (other): There were n=4 respondents who selected full professor as their job title. These 4 respondents reported working 53 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Political activism including union or non-union labour orgs” (5 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (4.8 hours).
Associate Professors (other): There were n=8 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 7 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 7 respondents reported working 74.2 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8.5 hours) and “Student email” (6.8 hours).
Assistant Professors (other): There were n=2 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title and reported working 52.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Graduate student supervision, committee work” (5.5 hours) and “Knowledge dissemination” (4.5 hours)
Lecturers (other): none.
Instructors (other): There were n=1 respondents who selected instructor as their job title they reported working 103 hours per week on average. The two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (30 hours) and “Preparing class notes and/or material for classroom” (10 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (other): There were n=2 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 1 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. This 1 respondent reported working 30 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (16 hours) and “Preparing online teaching materials” (14 hours).
November 2020
Note: The following were omitted from having graphs produced due to low sample sizes: Other Full Profs (n=3), Lecturers (n=1), and Instructors (n=1).
Descriptive Results for November 2020 by Gender and Rank
Out of 1215 respondents, 681 selected “female”, 505 selected “male”, and 23 selected “other” (6 missing values). Female Distinguished Professors (Female): There were n=8 female respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 6 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 6 respondents reported working 55.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.4 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6.1 hours). Full Professors (Female): There were n=199 female respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 162 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 162 respondents reported working 69 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.7 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (5.6 hours). Associate Professors (Female): There were n=244 female respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 205 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 205 respondents reported working 70.8 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (7.8 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (5.8 hours).
Assistant Professors (Female): There were n=116 female respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 100 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 100 respondents reported working 64.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (7.2 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.1 hours).
Lecturers (Female): There were n=30 female respondents who selected lecturer as their job title. These 30 respondents reported working 56.9 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (8.6 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.9 hours).
Instructors (Female): There were n=19 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 16 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 16 respondents reported working 69.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (10.6 hours) and “Online Teaching Time” (7.6 hours)
Contract/Sessionals (Female): There were n=56 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 48 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 48 respondents reported working 55.4 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8.2 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (8 hours) Male Distinguished Professors (male): There were n=8 male respondents who selected distinguished professor as their job title, of which 6 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 6 respondents reported working 52.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.8 hours) and “Online teaching time” (5 hours). Full Professors (male): There were n=186 male respondents who selected full professor as their job title, of which 162 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 162 respondents reported working 63.7 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.8 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.6 hours).
Associate Professors (male): There were n=160 male respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 133 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 133 respondents reported working 61.3 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.6 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.9 hours).
Assistant Professors (male): There were n=83 male respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 72 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 72 respondents reported working 59.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.9 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (4.7 hours)
Lecturers (male): There were n=19 male respondents who selected lecturer as their job title of which 17 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 17 respondents reported working 70.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Online Teaching Time” (10.3 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (8.7 hours).
Instructors (male): There were n=11 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 10 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 10 respondents reported working 59.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (9.6 hours) and “Marking/Reading Student Work” (7.1 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (male): There were n=32 respondents who selected instructor as their job title, of which 27 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 27 respondents reported working 48.6 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.7 hours) and “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.1 hours) “Other” Distinguished Professors (other): none. Full Professors (other): There were n=3 respondents who selected full professor as their job title. These 3 respondents reported working 54.5 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Online Teaching Time” (6.8 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.7 hours).
Associate Professors (other): There were n=9 respondents who selected associate professor as their job title, of which 8 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 8 respondents reported working 74.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Preparing Online Teaching Materials” (6.1 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (5.8 hours).
Assistant Professors (other): There were n=8 respondents who selected assistant professor as their job title, of which 7 did not have missing data on the workload hours questions. These 7 respondents reported working 69.1 hours per week on average. Their two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (6.4 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (6 hours)
Lecturers (other): There were n=1 respondents who selected lecturer as their job title, they reported working 43 hours per week on average. The two highest average hour tasks were “Online Teaching Time” (9 hours) and “Preparing class notes and material for classroom” (8 hours).
Instructors (other): There were n=1 respondents who selected instructor as their job title they reported working 85 hours per week on average. The two highest average hour tasks were “Marking/Reading Student Work” (30 hours) and “Data collection and/or analysis” (10 hours).
Contract/Sessionals (other): There were none.
Thank you for your participation, or interest in this SSHRC funded research project.